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Advantages.docx Anaesthesia and Analgesia in Farm Animals.url AP block.docx AP procedure.url Ariculo-Palpebral and Cornual branch of Lacrimal.cmap Articulo-Palpebral and Cornual branch of Lacrimal.cmap Auricular Palp.jpg Auriculo-Palpebral and Cornual branch of Lacrimal.cmap C block.url Complications.docx Complications that may occur.docx Distal paravertebral block.mp4 Distal paravertebral block video demo.mp4 Distal Paravertebral Nerve Block.cmap DPNB.png DPNB video.url Drug Sample Calculations.docx Drugs Table.docx EI.jpg Epidural.cmap Epidural Image.jpg Epidural placement.jpg Epidural Technique.docx Hanging drop.png IMG_1465.mov IM injection in Cattle.jpg IM Technique.url IV Regional.jpg IV Regional Anaesthesia.cmap IV Regional Anaesthesia.url IV Regional Anaesthesia in Cattle.url IV Regional Block.docx Lab 3 map.cmap Local Anaesthesia and Analgesia.url Monitoring the Anaesthetize Patient.url Penn State Body Condition Scale.url Post Operative Considerations.docx Pre and Intra-Operational considerations.docx Procedure.docx Recommended Cattle Anagesics and Anaesthetics agents.url References Lab 3.docx Regional Anaesthesia.url Regional Block.docx Risks of epidural.docx Screen Shot 2018-09-24 at 10.21.41 AM.png Technique for the Distal Paravertebral Nerve Block.docx Technique for the Distal Paravertebral Nerve Block Final.docx Types of Epidural.docx Video - IVRA.url Xylazine-Ketamine Sedation procedure.docx