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5 Station Physical exam.pdf Adv and Disadv of Bander.png Adv and Disadv of Bidizzo castration.png Adv and Disadv of castration.png Adv and Disadv of open castration.png Adv and Disadv of Short Scrotom Method.png Anatomy or Reproductive System.png ASA Classification 1.png BOWLINE KNOT.url BULL ANATOMY GENITALIA.url Burdizoo example 1.jpg Burdizoo Method.gif Calf castration Video.url Calicrate Bander.png castration-cattle-welfare.pdf Castration Dos and Don'ts.pdf CAstration in cattle.pdf Castration Method for calves.url Cattale age for Castration.png Cattle Dentation.jpg COMPLICATIONS.url Demonstation of Biddizo Clamp.png Demonstation of Open Castration Method.png Demonstation of Open-Closed Castration Method.png Demonstration of Calicrate Bander.png DEmonstration of emasculator.docx Demonstration of lead.gif Demonstration of the Newberry Catrating Tool.png DRUG PROTOCOL OF no.166.docx DRUG TABLE Used for Castration.docx Ear twitch.jpg Elanco Body Condition Scoring.pdf ELaster with Rubberband.png Incision.gif IV Regional Nerve Block.docx LAB 3.cmap Methods of cattle castration.url MORE SWINE WELFARE.url Newberry Catrating Tool.png Nose lead.jpg Open closed castration.url Open open castration.url Oral speculum.gif Pig Castration.url Pig Castration.docx Pig castration and Welfare.pdf Pig Castration Video.url Pig Castration with Knife.url Piglet Castration.url Post Operative Complications.png POTENTIAL COMPLICATON OF CASTRATIONS.docx Provel Body Condition Scoring.pdf Reason for castration.png Schematic plan for Closed method.jpg Scrotom exam.png SLIPKNOT.url Stanchion.jpg Tail restraint.gif Welfare for Cattle Castration.url Xylazine Protocol.docx