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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: VET2017 LAS GROUP 7LAB 9, Physical exam revealed mucus membranes : pink, Intra-operative Procedure First, the duodenum was located, to which it was then evaluated for its position, size, and orientation. It was flaccid, 3-4 cm in diameter, and oriented horizontal in the dorsal third of the incision., CRI {m.o} by intra-opt fluids of Xylazine, Distance exam showed normal skin and hair coat, 1.Monitoring of the animal after CRI until it could right itself {m.o} the folowing 10 days 2.Daily checks (SOAP) {m.o}, Indications (m.o.) such as omentopexy, Exploratory Laparotomy begins with General Knowledge, Proceed along the cranial ribcage to locate the spleen - feels granular The rectum located within the pelvis - center of the pelvic canal suspended by the mesorectum The peritoneum and transversus abdominus will be sutured using - #2 chromic gut in simple continuous patern, Anaesthesia incorporates Induction {m.o}, Intra-operative ending with Post operative, With the palm directed ventral, proceed along the right rumen wall in a cranio-ventral direction until the omasum encountered it feels feel like a soccer ball On the dorso-caudal surface of the omasum in a fold of omentum, you find the left gastric artery (should run cranial to caudal unless a displacement has altered the orientation Palpate the intestines for foreign bodies, gas distended loops, sausages, or fecal balls (all bad things), General Knowledge includes Right Flank Laparotomy, Distance exam showed normal menatation, The caudal border of the liver is palpated to the ventral extent. This left the surgeon in the cranial abdomen, against the diaphragm where the heartbeat was felt with the back of the hand. Below the caudal border the liver the omasum was felt (honeycomb feel). Once the reticulum has been assessed the ventral peritoneum is swept for adhesions or remnants of the falciform ligament., Intra-operative observe for any Uterine involution, Blocks involved Paravertebral, Intra-operative observe for any kidneys normal, Complications such as post operative ileus/ decreased GI motility {m.o}, Physical exam revealed 2 rumen contractions/2mins, The peritoneum and transversus abdominus will be sutured using - #2 chromic gut in simple continuous patern The internal abdominal oblique and external abdominal oblique muscles will be sutured using a #2 chromic gut in simple continuous pattern. The skin will be sutured using – 2 vetafil/barunamid ford interlocking.
Displaced abomasum
Typical area for RDA
Youtube - Rumenotomy
Youtube - C-section in sheep
Anatomy of Right Side of Ruminant 1
Anatomy of Right Side of Ruminant 2
Left side anatomy
small ruminant anatomy (right side)
abdominal viscera
Exploratory Laparotomy report
Spiral Colon ping
Emergency Drugs
Anaesthetic drugs
Ovariectomy by left flank approach in prepubertal Nelore (Bos indicus) heifers
Sutured using Ford Interlocking
Laparascopic Ovariectomy in Standing cowa
Surgical Treatment of LDA
Youtube - Cow Surgery LDA
Left and Right Lateral views of equine abdominal wall
Clinical findings and treatment in cattle with cecal dilatation
Veterinary laparoscopy
Relevant Anatomy
Cornell University - Right Paralumbar Fossa Celiotomy and Typhlotomy
Paravertebral Block