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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Lab 9, A pocket was made by tenting and snipping in the final layer (transverse abdomnis) and the index finger placed in the peritonal cavity to make a sweep (check for adherence), then excised ????, The area from the last rib to the rump was shaved like this ????, Post operative involves Wound care, Post operative involves Pain Management, Patient Preparation consist of Signalmet, Anesthetic Protocol/ Management with Ketamine, Surgical Proceedure consist of Post operative, The area from the last rib to the rump was shaved and Intially clean with chlorohexidine gluconate solution, The animal was induced and place in left lateral recumbancy on the surgical table like this ????, The internal oblique muscle layer was also manged the same as the external oblique thereafter A pocket was made by tenting and snipping in the final layer (transverse abdomnis) and the index finger placed in the peritonal cavity to make a sweep (check for adherence), then excised, Nontramatic forceps were introduce to the space to create a pocket allowing the musle layer to be cut and expose the external oblique muscle After The exposed external oblique is assessed and any vessel running along the cutting plain. Skin was tented and pocket created with scissors and muscle was cut, Pain Management supported by Flunixin (Post op) SID for 2 days, Indications for EXPLORATORY LAPAROTOMY, Indications consist of Intestinal Disease, Complications include wound infection, Indications for Left Flank, Surgical Proceedure consist of Preoperative, Indications for Right Flank, Wound care with Proper inspection and palpation of incision, EXPLORATORY LAPAROTOMY consider Ethics (MO)