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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: 7th Grade Geometry Concept Map, 2-dimensional figures such as circle, pi has a relationship with circle, length or width are dimensions of prisms, geometrical figures include 2-dimensional figures, 3-dimensional figures such as prisms, 3-dimensional figures can be described using surface area, radius are dimensions of circle, 3-dimensional figures can be described using volume, polygons which can be irregular, formulas can be used to find perimeter, diameter are dimensions of circle, polygons which can be regular, geometrical figures include 3-dimensional figures, polygons have perimeter, height are dimensions of prisms, surface area can be found by unfolding shape into a net, 2-dimensional figures such as polygons, 3-dimensional figures such as cylinders, formulas can be used to find volume, polygons which can be regular