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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Jardine-Draft 2 Emergent Spanish Literacy, Effective Instruction of Emergent Spanish Literacy comprised of Text Comprehension, scaffolding and guided practice of relevant and meaningful fiction and nonfiction text can include teacher read-alouds, partner reading, guided reading, shared reading, practice:independent and guided using leveled text, hearing and manipulating sounds and syllables indicated by ability to match, identify and delete sounds/syllables, Fluency increases Text Comprehension, hearing and manipulating sounds and syllables precursor to sound-symbol correspondence, connecting speech to print leads to increased word recognition, systematically through a progression of letters, syllables, blends, dipthongs, diminutives, suffixes/prefixes develops Vocabulary, systematically through a progression of letters, syllables, blends, dipthongs, diminutives, suffixes/prefixes can be reinforced using phonics pattern practice, Text Comprehension taught through scaffolding and guided practice of relevant and meaningful fiction and nonfiction text, Phonemic Awareness provides practice in connecting speech to print, Effective Instruction of Emergent Spanish Literacy comprised of Vocabulary, Fluency improved through practice:independent and guided, Effective Instruction of Emergent Spanish Literacy comprised of Fluency, Effective Instruction of Emergent Spanish Literacy comprised of Phonics, Text Comprehension reinforces Vocabulary, sound-symbol correspondence improves Fluency, Phonemic Awareness taught through songs, poems, chants, rhymes, tongue twisters, phonics pattern practice facilitates decoding, Phonics defined as sound-symbol correspondence