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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: First Draft, Interstellar Medium Pushes against the ISM at Heliopause at equal pressures Heliopause, Outer edge of the Solar System The meeting point of the Solar Wind and the ISM; surrounds the Solar System; Pushes outward from the Sun Solar Wind, Heliopause Voyager crossing the Heliosphere detecting 3 changes: 1. Decrease of highly enegetic charged particles from inside Heliosphere 2. Increase in highly energetic particles from outside the Heliosphere 3. Change in strength and direction of magnetic field matching outside Heliosphere Voyager 1, Outer edge of the Solar System Contains objects left over from formation of the Solar System Oort Cloud, Heliopause Heliopause is the edge of the Heliosphere Heliosphere, Magnetic Field Magnetic Field of the Sun pushes outwards throughout the Solar System Sun, Heliosphere Heliosphere is dominated by Magnetic Field of the Sun Magnetic Field, Bigger Solar Systems Larger Suns have larger gravitational fields and thus stronger solar winds which would push against the external pressure from the ISM and result in a larger Solar System Sun, Interstellar Medium Unstable area between ISM and Heliosphere Jet sheet, Solar Wind Pushes against the ISM at Heliopause at equal pressures Heliopause, Outer edge of the Solar System Consisting of Pluto and other Trans-Neptunian Objects Kuiper Belt, Outer edge of the Solar System The Solar System is travelling through the ISM and this is considered the area just past the edge of the Solar System Interstellar Medium, Age of Solar System As universe is expanding, older solar systems could be larger than newer ones such as ours Bigger Solar Systems, Outer edge of the Solar System Orbits of planets sometimes considered the outer edge of the solar system. More questions arise around the term 'planets' and whether this reaches to Pluto or Neptune Planetary Orbits, Outer edge of the Solar System Considered the outer edge of the Solar System as a boundary between the Sun's outward pressure, and the ISM's internal pressure Heliopause, Fluctuating boundary where the Sun's solar wind meets that of the ISM Heliopause, Solar Wind Solar wind of the Sun pushes outward past the outest planets of our Solar System Sun, IBEX Orbitting Earth; Allows sight of boundaries and determines what is happening there Heliopause, Voyager 1 Interact to produce sampling and visions of boundaries IBEX, Magnetic Field Larger Suns also have larger magnetic fields, too resulting in higher pressure being forced away from the core of the solar system and making a larger Solar System Bigger Solar Systems