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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Digestion Cmap Final Draft - Orozco, Mauricio, Mechanical Digestion defined as Physically broken down, Accessory Organs include Pancreas, Stomach contains Stomach Acid, Too few nutrients causes Illness, Accessory Organs break down food by Chemical Digestion, Student understanding of digestion will be taught using tools Student Learning Progression, Enzymes example Pepsin, Affects the condition of the body may be adversely affected by Too few nutrients, Too many nutrients can lead to Obesity, Too few nutrients causes Death, Nutrition awareness contributes to Quality of Life, Assessments will incorporate Small Group discussion, Student understanding of digestion is a component of Next Generation Science Stadards, Involves various body structures Categorized as part of Digestive Tract, Human Digestion: The Big Ideas that will Demonstrate Understanding By: Mauricio Orozco BIG IDEA #3 Affects the condition of the body, mouth breaks down food using Chemical Digestion, Homeostasis contributes to Quality of Life, Digestion is a process defined as Breaking down food, Absorption of nutrients occurs in the Bloodstream, To the body at the cellular level