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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Revolutions nonexample, 4 major Characteristics Create World Shifts, 4 major Characteristics require Change is drastic, Change in type of government Learned through using Formative Assessment:Concept Attainment, For the purpose of analyzing These significant questions When they occur?, World Shifts Through the Effcts of Sparking Other revolutions, Methods of Change Will Be Used As Visual Tool For Cause and Effect, World Shifts Will Be Used As Visual Tool For Cause and Effect, For the purpose of analyzing These significant questions Why they are successful or not, Revolutions Studied Include Russian Revolution, 4 major Characteristics require Change in leaders, Compare and Contrast Using Venn Diagram, 4 major Characteristics require Use of force or coercion, Chinese Communist Revolution Meets Requirements of 4 major Characteristics, World Shifts Through the Effcts of Showing how established powers can be changed, Methods of Change Including Civil Disobedience, Methods of Change Will Be Used As Visual Tool For Compare and Contrast, Revolutions Directly caused by Methods of Change, Russian Revolution Meets Requirements of 4 major Characteristics, Revolutions Studied Include Chinese Communist Revolution, Methods of Change Including World involvement