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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: solar system chain 2, 3RD FROM SUN has AIR & WATER, GROUPS OF RING HAS AT LEAST 15 MOONS, Inner Planets Includes MERCURY, AIR & WATER has ability to SUPPORT LIFE, 5TH FROM SUN is LARGEST PLANET IN SOLAR SYSTEM, 7TH FROM SUN has BALL OF GAS, Inner Planets made of MOSTLY ROCK, Saturn location is 6TH FROM SUN, Inner Planets Includes Venus, The Seasons Influenced by Degree of tilt, Planets differentiated by Inner Planets, 2ND FROM SUN is surrounded by THICK CLOUDS, Jupiter location is 5TH FROM SUN, ON ITS SIDE SURROUNDED BY GROUPS OF RING, 8TH FROM SUN has 8 MOONS & PALE RINGS, 4TH FROM SUN nickname is THE RED PLANET, MERCURY location is CLOSEST TO SUN, Solar System contains Planets, LARGEST PLANET IN SOLAR SYSTEM is 1 THIN RING, Uneven Heating the Earth Produces The Seasons