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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: bakel cmap birds 2, Feathers Help to Provide Protection from weather, Frequent Feedings for Energy Needs Used up through Flight Foods digested quickly for High Metabolism, Uniquie Features Have differently shaped Beaks for specific food needs in various habitats, Nests Located On Ground, ensure survival of species Sit on Eggs to Keep Eggs warm allowing them to Hatch, Hollow Bones creating Light Weight allows for Most Birds Fly, some form of protective shelter Many collect grass, twigs & mud to build Nests, Uniquie Features Have colorful Feathers, Song Call Warning Protect Family, Characteristics ????, Feathers Help to Identify Sex, Birds Individual Class of Animal with Feathers, bright colors attract female mate to increase population, Uniquie Features have strong Legs & Talons, Nests Located On Tree Branches, Legs & Talons used for Grabing Prey and Maintaining hold on Branches, Uniquie Features able to locate food with Extensive Vision, Identify Sex male has bright colors, Birds Identified By Characteristics, Most Birds Fly Resulting in Frequent Feedings for Energy Needs Used up through Flight