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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Habitats- Jungle, tall trees Emerging over trees dense foliage, home to largest variety of insects in the world, Layers of the jungle 4 layers - Layer 1 Emergent Layer, JUNGLES have Animals, has dense short foliage not requiring sunlight, Climate & Precipitation sunlight, rain & humidity varies dependent on layer, trees dense foliage covering small trees large leaves tall plants, small trees large leaves tall plants blocking light to dense short foliage not requiring sunlight, Vegitation What grows in each layer?, JUNGLES have Vegitation, Very little sunlight breakthrough sun Forest Floor almost NO sunlight most humid, large amount of sunlight, air and rain Understory Layer Very little sunlight breakthrough sun, Birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, leopards, tigers, and jaguars Forest Floor, ???? home to Birds, snakes, lizards, frogs, leopards, tigers, and jaguars, Understory Layer 4, Understory has Very little sunlight breakthrough sun, varies dependent on layer Emergent Layer most sunlight & rain least humid, Emergent Layer Layer 2 Canopy, Animals What do they eat? some eat animals some eat vegitation some eat both, most sunlight & rain least humid Canopy Layer large amount of sunlight, air and rain