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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: The Digestive System, The Digestive System is triggered by sight of food, stomach has 3 major jobs, organs includes large intestine, gastric juices kills bateria, organs includes small intestine, The Digestive System food enters mouth, mouth travels to esophagus, organs includes pancreas, churning called perstalsis, small intestine breaks down into thin watery mixture, The Digestive System is composed of organs, The Digestive System is triggered by smell of food, Breaks down food by way of churning, thin watery mixture so body obsorbs nutrients, mechanically by way of teeth, 3 major jobs it stores food, small intestine food spends about 4 hours, empties liquidy mixture travels to small intestine, rectum out through anus, colon absorbs some minerals