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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Extra Credit, Develop thoughts about what plans and ceterpillars, Understand Living things such as Butterflies, Record Observations through Drawing pictures, Knows that Caterpillars grow into Butterflies, Know can Dictate, Know can Write, Lifecycles of Plants and Butterflies for Independent/Expert, Record Observations through dictation to an adult, identify the Charecteristics, Science in Early Childhood with Lifecycles of Plants and Butterflies, Knows living things Need can Record Observations, Draw the 4 stages of butterfly lifecycle, lifecycles of plants and butterflies and they Understand Living things, Knows can Point out, Obsereve plants and butterflies they can think about lifecycles of plants and butterflies, Observe the Lifecycles, Lifecycles of Plants and Butterflies for Novice, Complete the lifecycle of a Plant, Knows that Seeds grow into Plants, Knows living things Need the following Shelter