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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: What is a Math Work shop, conversation and collaboration allows for a deeper understanding of academic language, Students summarize and reflect how thinking has changed provides teacher with planning data, To meet their zone of proximal development through end products, Conceptual understanding encouraged through conversation and collaboration, grouping engagement groups should consist of pairs or 3s, Student Explore while teacher facilitates strategies to use to provide a thoughtful exploration grouping, listens and asks questions quality vs. quanity questioning might not get to all kids in a week, problem solving making connections to the real world, students are presenters and teachers are facilitators teachers should... listen in, What is a Math Workshop? promotes Community, Four sections Metacognition Students summarize and reflect how thinking has changed, model kinds of thinking needed by mini lessons This is modeled by... problem solving, might not get to all kids in a week student will feel they are valued and they are individual learners, create accountability students share conclusion and ideas, grouping ponder while making groups the student... confidence, challenging tasks that ensure they To meet their zone of proximal development, grouping ponder while making groups the student... competence, grouping ponder while making groups the student... language, conversations promoted through challenging tasks, respect for others collaboration and situational view ????