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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Quadratics, Summitive Typical Chapter Test, Graphing it looks like U shape curve, Quadratics solve using Quadratic Formula, Quadratic Formula is, Assessments one way Formative, Quadratic Formula Remember Find the a, b, and c and substitute them into the formula, Quadratics another way Factoring, The roots are where it cosses the x-axis they are Solutions are the x values where the graph crosses the x-axis, Formative students can show Performance tasks, Factoring how to solve Work out the values of X to make each bracket equal to zero, Factoring set up Change the equation it is written in double brackets, Formative another way Homework, Graphing solutions The roots are where it cosses the x-axis, Formative fast check Short Cycle, Quadratic Formula this is The fastest method and should be tried first, Factoring are the Solutions are the x values where the graph crosses the x-axis, Quadratics is Graphing, Graphing first find Find the vertex, Quadratics ???? Assessments, Assessments ???? Summitive