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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: What Is Learning, What is Learning? Leads to Conceptual Understanding, What is Learning? Can be Extracting Information, Based off of experiences Which can lead to Teaching Others, Conceptual Being able to explain Process, Social through Verbal Explanations, Process by Problem Solving, What is Learning? Can be Experimenting, Conceptual Being able to explain Rule, What is Learning? Misconceptions Memorizing, What is Learning? Can be Promoting Further/Continued Learning, Principle by Communicating, What is Learning? Misconceptions Only Understanding, Metacognition where one can Set goals, What is Learning? Can be assessed by Prior Knowledge and experiences, Rule by Communicating, Social through Written Explanations, Social through Teaching Others, Metacognition where one can Reflect on own thinking, Process by Reasoning, What is Learning? Misconceptions A score