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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: jmccanse, Teacher led questioning most likely Explicit Instruction, Giving students time to practice and demonstrate learning Will lead to new knowledge, Seeking Answers will lead to new knowledge, Teacher understanding of students' understanding Teacher will assist Students in thinking about their understanding, Assessing and addressing misconceptions while continually Teacher modeling and scaffolding, Students in thinking about their understanding Students will Adjust their schema, new knowledge will lead to Student led questioning, Seeking Answers ???? Inquiry-based, Student led questioning Will allow for Teacher understanding of students' understanding, Student led questioning most likely Inquiry-based, Teacher led questioning most likely Explicit Instruction, Seeking Answers ???? Explicit Instruction, Adjust their schema And allow for new knowledge, Teacher understanding of students' understanding Teacher will adjust lessons Teacher modeling and scaffolding, Inquiry-based Can Be Changing one's schema, Teacher modeling and scaffolding will support Student led questioning, new knowledge will lead to Teacher led questioning, Giving students time to practice and demonstrate learning While continually Assessing and addressing misconceptions, Seeking Answers ???? Inquiry-based, Changing one's schema ???? What is learning?