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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Text-Dependent Questions Cmap Extra Credit, that readers pay attention to the details by answering who, Key Details require that readers pay attention to the details, Text-Dependent Questions Types of Inferences, Why the author wrote the text in order to inform, that readers pay attention to the details by answering how, Why the author wrote the text in order to entertain, Why the author wrote the text in order to explain, Opinion, Arguments and Intertextual Connections generate personal connections, Opinion, Arguments and Intertextual Connections generate classroom discussion, Why the author wrote the text in order to persuade, Text-Dependent Questions Types of Author's Purpose, Inferences focus on having the student to consider the information that is provided and then make inferences, that readers pay attention to the details by answering what, Vocabulary and Text Structure focus on Specific words and phrases the author uses as well as structure of the text, Text-Dependent Questions Types of General Understanding, Text-Dependent Questions Types of Opinion, Arguments and Intertextual Connections, General Understanding ensure that Students understand the overwll view of the text, Text-Dependent Questions Types of Key Details, Specific words and phrases the author uses as well as structure of the text requires that the reader bridge literal and inferential meaning, that readers pay attention to the details by answering why