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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: EPS 541 Cmap Revised, Etymology explanation of words that are Greek, Lexicon branched by Morphemes, Classified can be antonyms, Parts of Speech links nouns, pronouns, and phrases Preposition, Etymology explanation of words that are Germanic, Topic words are Classified, Affix attached to Base, Pronoun substitute for noun Parts of Speech, Base is it a Compound Word, Categorization of Words: English includes Lexicon, Parts of Speech modifies a verb or adjective Adverb, Lexicon branched by Etymology, Categorization of Words: English includes Topic, Affix after stem Suffix, Interjection an exclamation Parts of Speech, Etymology explanation of words that are Other, Classified can be synonyms, Syllables nucleus vowel, Morphemes small semantic unit such as Base, Morphemes small semantic unit such as Affix