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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Extended Response Cmap (Draft 2), Citation ties into Introduction, Introduction comprised of Background Information, Background Information helps Argument, Foundational Skills such as Layin out an argument, Paragraphing which includes Body Paragraphs, Foundational Skills such as Summarizing, Body Paragraphs comprised of evidence, Capitalization ties into Body Paragraphs, Body Paragraphs comprised of Explanation, Introduction comprised of Road Map, Writing an extend reposnse essay requires Foundational Skills, Layin out an argument goes directly into Mini-thesis, Foundational Skills such as Spelling, Paraphrasing gies into Paragraphing, Indentation ties into Body Paragraphs, Layin out an argument that leads to Road Map, Indentation ties into Introduction, Body Paragraphs comprised of Mini-thesis, Writing an extend reposnse essay requires Knowing Structure, Foundational Skills such as Paraphrasing