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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Asthma Final Draft 3, worsening of symptoms such as wheezing, exacerbation which can lead to The Red Zone, The Yellow Zone indicating exacerbation, Future Risk can lead to Steps to take for treatment, The Red Zone indicating medical alert and treatment, Symptoms present in each zone containing The Green Zone, Future Risk as evidenced by loss of lung function, Control Measures that consist of Current Control, Current Control as evidenced by activity tolerance, adverse effects of medication including mild, Current Control as evidenced by minimal use of rescue medication, Control Measures that consist of Future Risk, medical alert and treatment resulting in response to interventions, non-response to interventions which warrants notification to emergency services (911), Asthma Action Plan consists of Descriptive Zones, mild such as sore throat tachycardia loss of appetite insomnia headache, Steps to take for treatment to avoid medical alert and treatment, worsening of symptoms such as shortness of breath, Symptoms present in each zone containing The Yellow Zone, Asthma Action Plan consists of Control Measures