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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Jackie Dodds Group Reading.cmap, Reading: Literature. Standard K.RL.10 (Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity): Actively engage in group reading activites with purpose and understanding Types of Group Reading Guided reading, many purposes ???? building and extending comprehension, Read Alouds must have the students do the majority of the "think" work; teacher must pose higher level thinking questions, Read Alouds include Active participating from students; Engagement in the questions ask, many purposes ???? focuses attention on new vocabulary and language, Reading: Literature. Standard K.RL.10 (Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity): Actively engage in group reading activites with purpose and understanding Types of Group Reading Shared Reading, Shared Reading uses Scholastic maganzines, a number of different genres ???? fiction, Guided reading includes extensive comprehension work, as well as reading strategies that teach how to decode unknown words, Shared Reading has many purposes, Reading: Literature. Standard K.RL.10 (Range of Reading and Level of Text Complexity): Actively engage in group reading activites with purpose and understanding Types of Group Reading Read Alouds, a number of different genres ???? non-fiction, Shared Reading uses Big Books, Guided reading allows for direct instruction at a student's specific reading level, Shared Reading provides a group reading experience over numberous days with the same text, Guided reading is carried out by a small group (4-6) students and the teacher, many purposes ???? decoding new words as a starting point, Read Alouds require a number of different genres, Shared Reading uses Poems, many purposes ???? enjoyment