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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Draft 2, Literary Devices & Terminology like Irony, Literary Devices & Terminology like Foreshadow, Correct pronunciation of Vocabulary, How do you improve literacy for ELL studstudents? entails Vocabulary, Visualize important Vocabulary, Vocabulary that should be Taught with synonyms & anontyms, Making Inferences to understand Meaning, Vocabulary that should be Represented with visual images, How do you improve literacy for ELL studstudents? deciphers Literary Devices & Terminology, Fluency that consists of Correct use of annunciation determined by punctuation, Characterization of Protagonist, Background Knowledge that will help students Visualize, Taught with synonyms & anontyms to Make meaning, Literary Devices & Terminology like Metaphor, Background Knowledge that will help students Make real world connections, Making Inferences to understand Unknown vocabulary, How do you improve literacy for ELL studstudents? need Background Knowledge, Characterization of Antagonist, Literary Devices & Terminology like Antagonist, Literary Devices & Terminology like Flashback