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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Margaret Dynak rev1, Statement Make text, Non realistic Story Elements Characters, ???? ???? Realsitic, Statement Make Own experiences, context clues text text, I can make a prediction. Nonfiction Information text, Web sites Facts Magazines, I can make a prediction. Nonfiction Newspapers, Future Tense I think.. might, I can make a prediction. Nonfiction Magazines, Web sites Facts Newspapers, I can make a prediction. Fiction Realsitic, I can make a prediction. Metacognitive strategy Actively engages, I can make a prediction. Nonfiction Web sites, I can make a prediction. Fiction Narrative text, I can make a prediction. Fiction Non realistic, Future Tense I think.. will, I can make a prediction. Nonfiction Trade books, Web sites Facts Trade books, Statement Make Revise It