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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 4 - Kowalski, Lydon, Myler, Sohrweide, Self means Personal evaluations, classroom teachers to communicate with Parents, classroom teachers who then must Gather data, Levels of Feedback are Self, Differentiation is needed to inform Instructional Practice, Assessment is used for Feedback on Student Learning, Feedback on Student Learning used by administrators (Schools), Feedback on Student Learning can be Immediate, Monitor progress which drives Instructional Practice, Levels of Feedback are Process, Levels of Feedback are Self-regulation, administrators (Schools) for the purpose of... making curriculum decisions, Informal serves to Gather data, Gather data in order to Monitor progress, Instructional Practice helps determine Assessment, Feedback on Student Learning used by classroom teachers, Assessment is comprised of Formal, Informal examples are Observations, Informal examples are Formative, Instructional Practice based on Standards