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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 6 Concept Map Dodds, Dummel, Gervais, Smith, Wade, encouraging open & frequent communication, Students provide Class Data/Progress, Motivation Extrinsic, Progress monitoring establishes Curriculum Objectives, Tiered Grouping includes Tier 1, Grouping divides into Ability Based, Summative includes Performance Assessments, Special Education requires IEP's, Teacher Evaluations includes Class Data/Progress, Students Setting Goals from Growth, Check for Understanding includes Exit Tickets, Students' academic levels by encouraging, Check for Understanding includes Do Now's, Progress monitoring leads to Differentiated Instruction, Feedback on Student Learning Gives Students, Assessment divides into Types, Differentiated Instruction leads to Grouping, Setting Goals from Growth Such as End of year NWEA Score, Formative includes Check for Understanding, Students' academic levels through Conversations (phone, email, conferences)