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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: C4-Group 2, Formative yields Data, Teachers to modify and improve Instruction, Summative can take the form of Projects Portfolios Tests/Quizzes, Informal used by Teachers, Assessment through ungraded measures Informal, Standardized Tests can be Formative, Data utilized by administration for Teacher Evaluation, Feedback informs recipient of current level of mastery of Standards Learning Goals Content Knowledge Skills Growth, Standardized Tests can be Summative, Assessment measures degree of mastery upon termination of instruction Summative, Students determine need Instruction, Data provides information for Feedback, Teacher Evaluation utilized by school faculty to improve Instruction, Feedback one form of Instruction, Teachers informal measures of student mastery Observations/Exit Tickets, Assessment through graded measures Formal, Assessment measures effectiveness of Instruction, Projects Portfolios Tests/Quizzes yields Data, Formal yields Data, Data utilized by school faculty to improve Instruction