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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 2 Assessment Cmap, Standardized Tests alligned with Standards, Summative Can look like Curriculum Based Assessments, Students' Abilities Forms Types of Assessment, teachers to create Unit Plans, Socioeconomic Status influences scores on Standardized Tests, Homework Evaluated using Raw Score, Purpose includes Determining Performance, teachers to create Lesson Plans, End of Unit Assessments can include True-False, Special Needs encompasses RTI, Identifying Student Strengths and Weaknesses leads to Decision Making, RTI Develops IEP, Types of Assessment is differentiated by Informal, beneficiaries can include Students, Exit Tickets informs Re-teaching, Summative Can look like Reading Assessments, reflections can look like Project Based, Performance Based Assessments assessed using Rubrics, Summative Can look like Standardized Tests, Assessment facilitated by Purpose