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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Group 1 CHO-05 C-MAP of Assessment, Performance based tests assessments ISAT Testing, Accomadate(s) the needs of all students and Looking at student data and areas in need of growth, Standards that set the base for Instructor reflection, Grouping through Progress Monitoring, Assessment guides instruction through Grouping, Observed through Strategies, Looking at student data and areas in need of growth in order to Guide instruction, Looking at student data and areas in need of growth by analysing Formal, Differentiated instruction which Accomadate(s) the needs of all students, Assessment can be catagorized into Formal, Observed through behaviors, Looking at student data and areas in need of growth by Responsive, Performance based tests assessments Unit Chapter/Chapter tests, Observed through Exit tickets, Assessment can be catagorized into Informal, Formal gather by means of Exit tickets, Relevant to Standards, Grouping through Small group instruction, Standards that set the base for Student reflection, Learning objectives that set the base for Instructor reflection