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Dieses mit IHMC CmapTools erstellte CMap hat Informationen bezüglich: CmapTools - Collaboration, Synchronous Collaboration means Concurrent Editing, Collaboration using CmapTools facilitates Collaborative Projects, Discussion Treads are linked to Concepts, Concurrent Editing can be by Two or More Users, Asynchronous Collaboration is accomplished through Annotations, Shared Construction of Concept Maps can be Asynchronous Collaboration, Knowledge Soups allow sharing of Propositions, Two or More Users located anywhere on Internet, Concept Maps on a CmapServer located anywhere on Internet, Knowledge Soups use Discussion Treads, Asynchronous Collaboration is accomplished through Knowledge Soups, Asynchronous Collaboration means Non-concurrent Editing, Shared Construction of Concept Maps can be Synchronous Collaboration, Peer Review & Critique of Concept Maps can be Asynchronous Collaboration, Asynchronous Collaboration is accomplished through Exporting & Importing Cmaps, Collaboration using CmapTools supports Peer Review & Critique of Concept Maps, Non-concurrent Editing of Concept Maps on a CmapServer, Peer Review & Critique of Concept Maps can be Synchronous Collaboration, Annotations are attached to a Selection within a Concept Map, Collaborative Projects carried out by Two or More Users