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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: Draft 3, Teacher Reliability includes Teacher Involvement, Teacher Reliability includes Modeling, Brain processing Information verified through prior knowledge & connections, Learning Syles and Metacognition involves Kinesthetic Learner, Student involvement can lead to student attention and awareness, Teacher Reliability includes Real Applications, Student involvement can lead to student behavior, Learning Environment leads to stability, represented with visual images may improve problem solving, Brain processing Information verified through relatable information, Using Technology To Teach Math consists of Variety of Technology, represented with visual images may improve meaning of content, Learning Syles and Metacognition involves Visual Learner, Assessments entails formative, Brain processing Information verified through meaningful content, Learning Syles and Metacognition relates to Brain processing Information, Variety of Technology such as Elmo Projector, Teacher Reliability includes Assessments, Variety of Technology inspired by Student involvement, Variety of Technology such as online math games and videos