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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: blog, the look of the blog for example the foot of the blog, free-hosting service for instance eduBlogs, changeable parts like post, web-sites with the following features chronological order, information for example tags to classification, post related to information, web-sites which can be managed by free-hosting service, post related to additional materials, fixed parts related to the chance for interaction, easy to update adding, removing and changing fixed parts, the look of the blog for example the head of the blog, the chance for interaction for instance trackbacks, free-hosting service for instance blogger, The blogs are web-sites, CMS software for instance WordPress, the chance for interaction for instance comments, fixed parts related to information, free-hosting service for instance WordPress, chronological order of post, web-sites with the following features available to several authors
My blog