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This Concept Map, created with IHMC CmapTools, has information related to: webII_lecture, Interaction for example wikis, blogs, social nets, traditional ways to use Internet which are characterized by static web-pages, traditional ways to use Internet which are characterized by contents with low interaction-possibilities, contents with low interaction-possibilities so that web-sites are like simple windows to look through, new ways to use the Internet based on Interaction, Web 2.0 contrasts to traditional ways to use Internet, static web-pages making difficult updating the contents, a concept linked with new ways to use the Internet, Web 2.0 is not a kind of web, facilities to publish contents for example wikis, blogs, social nets, new ways to use the Internet based on services on-line, Web 2.0 is not a type of software, new ways to use the Internet based on facilities to publish contents, services on-line for example online tools for editing documents, Web 2.0 is a concept
My blog
What Is Web 2.0
The complete Web 2.0 directory
Other Web 2.0 directory