IHMC Public Cmaps (3)

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                IHMC Public Cmaps Converted
                        Academic Writing and Presentation Skills
                            Academic Writing and Presentation Skills

                                Articles, Templates, Books.url
                                Free Statistical Software.url
                                GRAMMAR - Words and Their Arrangement.url
                                Guide to Grammar and Writing.url
                                How to quickly find articles in top IS journals (links to ACM).url
                                Laboratory Report.url
                                Microsoft PowerPoint® Presentation References.url
                                MS Office Template.url
                                Naturalistic Inquiry.url
                                Office Tutorials.url
                                PPT2002 - Animations Do Not Play When Presentation Is Viewed with Browser and As Web Page.url
                                Presentation Disasters - Conference Style.url
                                Pursuasive Writing.url
                                Research and the Internet - ppt File (links to Purdue University).url
                                Short Report.url
                                The Academic Proposal (1).url
                                The Powerpoint WOW - Special effects with images.url
                                Using Modern Language Association (MLA) Format.url
                                Using Thesis Statements.url
                                VBA for MS Word, PowerPoint, etc.url
                                Writing Is Power - Critical Thinking, Creative Writing, and Portfolio Assessment (.pdf file).url