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(Maxim, 1999, p The author avoids the dichotomy he himself sets up by failing to address the multicultural and socioeconomic aspects gender identification.  Society s expectations may be quite threatening and incompatible to a child living in a gay family, for example. The author does offer sound advice when he suggests not trying to reason with a child who is asserting his or her os within one s class.  Avoid stereotypes or  balance your reactions to a student s behavior against your knowledge of  resistance cultures  are the kind of advice I hope to receive from willing mentors. On the other hand, it is more than a simple process of internalization when students incessantly taunt another for the color of his roller skates. The matter of fact nature with which this scene was explained, even justified, left much to be desired.  Such a strong attachment to one s gender continues to g#1$1$1$1$14$1D$1F$1b$1f$1~$1$1$1$1$1$1$1$1$1%1%1%1"%1`%1%1%1%1&1&16&18&1:&1<&1D&1H&1J&1L&1R&1T&1z&1|&1&1&1&1&1'1'1&'1:'1f'1'1'1'1'1(1T(1V(1X(1`(1(1(1(1(1 )0Z)1\)1^)1`)1b)1p)1r)1)1)1)1)1)1)1)1)1)1)1*1*1"*1J*1N*1*1<+1>+1,1,1,1,1 -1-1&-1(-16-1p-1-1-1-1-1-1.1.1^.$/1&/1F/1H011111212121621d212121212121212130313131404041414151>51P51`51515151515151516171&71v71x7171717171717181R81818181818191 919191691R9191919191@:1^:1`:1t:1z:1:1:1:1:0 @GTimes New Roman5Symbol3 Arial3Times"hafba\) (~4d9Social Studies Teaching Methodologies Reflection Paper #1 Mac FamilyPerrin Bishop-Wright11 1111 1$1&1(1F1H1J1P1`1b1r111111111111111 1"1$1N1T1j1l111111$1b1d1f1h1111,1.101j1n1x11111111121111111(121:1B111111b1v0111,1B1D1T1V1X111111111 1~1111111111(1*1,1.10181:1P1R1Z1\1h1j1l1t111111111111<1111&10121B1Z1f1h1x111111111111:1\11111 1 1*B*B* :YZ"##\)344d dhdd:YZ / =!"#$%myriadpossible whenelIn pulling Gardner s Frames of Mind, (1988) off my shelf, I confirmed that neither Taylor nor   world-of-school skills are mentioned in his landmark book. Although Taylor s list of  talents equals in number, Gardner s original  intelligences , they do not appear to be analogous lists. Some of the categories obviously share similar criteria. Taylor s talent of  human relations for example, mirrors Gardner s  interpersonal intelligence. Other  talents such as forecarow through the early elementary grades, cementing the peer solidarity that influences behaviors compatible with society s expectations for males and females. (Maxim, 1999, pg. 72)e 9Social Studies Teaching Methodologies Reflection Paper #1 Mac FamilyPerrin Bishop-Wright [4@4NormalCJOJPJQJmH <A@<Default Paragraph Font2>`2Title $d >*B*CJ6J`6Subtitle $d FMicrosoft Word DocumentNB6WWord.Document.8BBBA?@@>?><=:;98997999998:88999999798530 ՜.+,08 hp  'Behavioral Health Resources(  :Social Studies Teaching Methodologies Reflection Paper #1 TitleTitle){F5B9D680-15B1-11D6-9559-000502D0E016}ebfdbfdbedbfebfecfeceeceecedbedbedbfecgecged Oh+'0 0< X d p|':Social Studies Teaching Methodologies Reflection Paper #1goci Mac Familyiac NormaliPerrin Bishop-Wrightng 5rrMicrosoft Word 8.0t@ފH?@4NL@t\ Cu*#TĽ=;mBMaŕC%%emJMƵ`(Etd&Ǎ)<"(LJg[Zl/( P)U5TA<M:YelC"q 3}OFȉMYȕ#jjȡd|ȭ'ȹs Djbjb <kk=])  + + + + +c+I-I-I-I- U- ',K--------3333333,LN3  +-----3- + +--m-V---- +- +-3+"A+" + + + +-3-j-A33 + +3 a- 7',"I-- 3Social Studies Teaching Methodologies Reflection Paper #1 Stephen Mazepa 1/31/02 Chapters two and three of the text, Social Studies and the Elementary School Child, Sixth Edition, have been a great review for my segue back into graduate school. Chapter two gave a fine summary of the multiplicity of considerations for developing a supportive environment. I found Calvin W. Taylors Multiple Talents module most interesting and complimentary to Howard Gardners Multiple Intelligence theory. Yv j!#:>*B*B* :YZ"##\)344d dhdd:YZ / =!"#$%myriadpossible whenelIn pulling Gardner s Frames of Mind, (1988) off my shelf, I confirmed that neither Taylor nor   world-of-school skills are mentioned in his landmark book. Although Taylor s list of  talents equals in number, Gardner s original  intelligences , they do not appear to be analogous lists. Some of the categories obviously share similar criteria. Taylor s talent of  human relations for example, mirrors Gardner s  interpersonal intelligence. Other  talents such as foreca