Stephen H. Mazepa

MED 570 SRT Homework Redo 6/4/02

1. Five Objectives

Knowledge - TSWBAT list the six compositional elements of the visual arts and the primary purpose of each.

Reasoning - TSWBAT describe at least one way each of the six elements have been applied in a given piece of art.

Skills - TSWBAT mix colors according to the rudimentary principles of the color wheel.

Product - TSWBAT combine at least two of the elements in an original piece for the purposes of garnering an intended affect and be able to explain why or how those elements achieved their affect.

Affect - TSWBAT discuss his or her own favorite (or most important) compositional element for the visual arts.

Knowledge - TSWBAT list the six compositional elements of the visual arts and the primary purpose of each.

Note: The following questions apply to the above modality (K) and accompanying target.

2. True/False

2.K.1. True or False The value in visual composition refers to the range of light and dark elements in the piece.

2.K.2. True or False Negative space refers to a bad feeling some artwork leaves you with.

2.K.3. True or False On the color wheel, opposite any primary color is a secondary color.

3. Matching

Draw a line connecting the compositional element on the left with its trait on the right.

3.K.1. value A) symmetrical

3.K.2. color B) closed

3.K.3. form C) complementary

3.K.4. space D) tint

3.K.5. line E) geometric

4. Short Answer Questions Answer the question on the back with a brief description or phrase.

4.K.1. Explain how lines can be used to create the effect of shading?

WASL: p. 24, #5

4.K.2. What element is an artist most likely developing in a piece if he or she is applying paint with a sponge?

WASL: p. 35, #23

5. Multiple Choice Underline the word that most appropriately answers the question.

5.K.1. What is the name for adjacent colors on the color wheel?

WASL: p. 47, #37

A) neighboring B) complementary C) analogous D) ugly E) familiar


Reasoning - TSWBAT describe at least one way each of the six elements have been applied in a given piece of art.

Note: The following questions apply to the above modality (R) and accompanying target.

2. True/False

2.R.1. True or False In Van Gogh’s Avenue of Poplars in Autumn, texture is the key element in defining the "space."

2.R.2. True or False With linoleum block prints, the primary design element is the "line."

4. Short Answer Questions Answer the question on the back with a brief description or phrase.

4.R.1. How do the color values compare between Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (1950) and Xavier Mellery’s Autumn (1893)?

4.R.2. Would you say that the use of space or of line is most different between Jackson Pollock’s Autumn Rhythm (1950) and Xavier Mellery’s Autumn (1893)?

WASL: p. 46, #36

4.R.3. If your neighbors had a pale, purple tulip in their yard, what two or three pigments might you mix together to match their tulip’s color?


5. Multiple Choice

Underline the word that most appropriately belongs in the blank space.

5.R.1. What kind of lines helps clearly distinguish each subject in The Autumn of Central Paris? (R.B. Katij, after Walter Benjamin, 1972-73) 10th grade

WASL: p. 23, #2

A) contour B) colorful C) red D) implied E) sky

Skills - TSWBAT mix colors according to the rudimentary principles of the color wheel.

Note: The following questions apply to the above modality (S) and accompanying target.

5. Multiple Choice

Underline the word that most appropriately answers the question.

5.S.1. What other pigments from the choices below would you need to mix with purple in order to match a certain shade of brown?

WASL: p. 47, #37

A) red and white C) blue and red E) yellow and black

B) red, green, and black D) yellow and white

Product - TSWBAT combine at least two of the elements in an original piece for the purposes of garnering an intended affect and be able to explain why or how those elements achieved their affect.

Note: The following questions apply to the above modality (P) and accompanying target.

5.P.1. Add a second element (other than simply more lines although lines may also be added,) to one of the figures below to convey humor or evoke a humorous response from the viewer.

A)                        B)                    C)                        D)                E)



Affect - TSWBAT discuss his or her own personal preference for using a compositional element to achieve a desired effect.

Note: The following questions apply to the above modality (A) and accompanying target.

5. Multiple Choice Underline the word that most appropriately belongs in the blank space.

5.A.1. I combined the existing image with ________________ conveying humor by creating a...

(Complete the sentence in your

A) color B) form C) texture D) space E) value own words on the back)

Answer Key

2.K.1. True

2.K.2. False

2.K.3. True


3.K.1. value matches with    D) tint

3.K.2. color matches with    C) complementary

3.K.3. form matches with     E) geometric

3.K.4. space                         A) symmetrical

3.K.5. line matches with       B) closed


4.K.1. Hatching (or Cross-Hatching)

4.K.2. Texture


5.K.1. C) analogous

2.R.1. False

2.R.2. True


Examples of acceptable answers for each short answer question.

4.R.1. The color values are very close.

A very similar range of colors, or palette was used.

Both dark to light and blacks, whites, grays, browns, and beiges.

4.R.2. Space is most different.

The Pollock is diffused over the entire painting whereas the Mellery has three distinct, dense image areas.

Traveling for the most part, from the upper left to lower right, Mellery’s piece has only a few places where the lines are nearly as diffused as in Pollock’s piece.

4.R.3. Add purple to white ‘til you’re matching.

Mix some red and blue to get purple, then little by little, add some of that mixture to white until the tint is matching the neighbor’s flower.

5.R.1. A) contour

5.S.1. E) yellow and black

Note: Browns are the result of any two complementary color pigments being mixed. Therefore, no particular brown need be mentioned. Yellow is purple’s complementary color thus creating a brown when mixed with purple. Black is the other color because the question asks about a "shade" of brown which implies that black has been mixed with other pigments. If a brown "tint" had been identified, "D) yellow and white" would have been the correct answer. Truthfully, I guess I can’t completely dismiss "B) red, green, and black" as a possibly logical answer as they, themselves create a shade of brown, which could conceivably create another brow when added to purple.