By Stephen Mazepa

This entire hypermedia document is an experimental model. Initially, I decided to

use concept mapping software as the means for constructing an electronic learning

portfolio while researching papers for my MED 570 Classroom Assessment and MED

576 Content Area Reading courses. This hypermedia document’s inception was as

formal research papers which is why this document begins as such. The primary cause

for this metamorphosis is due to the paper, A Concept Map-based Knowledge Modeling

Approach to Expert knowledge Sharing, where Coffey, et al, (2002) describe a method

and a software program that together, are a potent knowledge modeling tool for "expert

knowledge sharing". Placing a student in the role of ‘expert" when charged with the task

of compiling one’s learning portfolio seemed an appropriate designation. A concept

map-based learning protfolio then, becomes a medium for sharing "expert knowledge"

of one’s own learning achievements.

I followed Coffey’s and colleagues’ prescribed "PreSERVe" method of : 1)

knowledge elicitation, 2) resource rendering, and 3) model rendering. CMap software is

freely available for educational purposes through the Institute of Human and Machine

Cognition (IHMC) out of the University of West Florida and including Senior Research

Scientist, Dr. Joseph D. Novak, co-author of Learning How To Learn (Novak & Gowin,

1984) the seminal work on concept mapping. The iterative nature of the "PreSERVe"

process also acts to refine the scope and intent of one’s overall model. As such, this

process necessitated my developing a rationale for the selection of the items to be

included, (i.e., the knowledge elicitation phase) and a means for representating that

rationale through the concept map structure, 9i.e., the two-part rendering phase). This

semi-hierarchical, linked structure resulted in a kind of narrative framing the total body

of achievements this electronic learning portfolio (ELP) intended to represent.