Discharge instructions: In addition to administration of the prescribed medications the following plan should be implemented: The foal should be confined to stall rest to prevent any form of strenuous exercise. The convalescence period varies from case to case, but refraining from exercise until the infection has been eradicated is important. This will allow for healing of damaged soft tissues and articular cartilage. The joint, however, should not be immobilized. Passive motion is very important in rehabilitating and maintaining the range of motion of this joint as it recovers. It will improve cartilage nutrition without imposing concussive forces on the joint. Therefore, we recommend hydrotherapy as a means of treating the joint without putting stress on it. Also, it is important to flex the joint 15-20 times per day. Upon reinstitution of exercise, the duration and intensity should gradually increase over a time period determined by the severity of the injury. If lameness does recur after exercise is resumed then the foal should be re-evaluated. If you have any questions, please feel free to contact any one of us.