Client Education: Post-operative care for Ramon is crucial for his recovery. If directions are not followed the time and money spent on the surgery will have been wasted. It is VERY important to keep Ramon quiet. This means that after his release from the hospital, his exercise must be restricted. Controlled leash walking is allowed and may be increased slowly over a five-week period. Playing with the other dogs is definitely discouraged until healing has taken place. Follow up radiographs will dictate the level of RamonŐs activity. Daily cleaning of the pin tracts is essential to prevent infection and keep the peri- granulation tissue healthy. If you see excessive drainage, this is indicative of the need for new radiographs, and may be the result of pin loosening. A very low incidence of osteomyelitis occurs as a result of pin infection. If you observe Ramon chewing on his side bar this may be an indication of pain or irritation. Again, he will need to be radiographed to determine if pin loosening or fracture instability has taken place. You can also apply Bitter Apple to discourage any further chewing. Also be aware that RamonŐs external fixation device may cause damage to the furniture, doorways, kids, etcÉ I recommend padding valuables and confining him to certain areas of the house. Finally, make sure that Ramon is administered his medication without fail to prevent any infectious processes. Also, please feed Ramon a healthy diet with the proper ratio of nutrients to facilitate new bone growth and healing.