Group Member Responsibilities Coordinator - Marie Daniels Case Recorder - Jaime Landolfi Learning Issues Recorder - Sara Conner CMAP Builder - Allison Ritter Case 1 Facts 1. Nine month old Female spayed Rottwelier - young, large breed (N, C) 2. Lame in hind legs -- less consideration for fore limb problems (A, C) 3. Disproportional amount of weight carried on forelegs - non-weight bearing on hind limbs (A, C) 4. Awkward gait few weeks duration - not likely acute condition (A, C) 5. Right hind worse - not bilateral (A, C) 6. Walks ok, uncomfortable when sits - pressure (weight) problem rather than range of motion (A, C) 7. Worse in morning and after exercise - stiff in morning, irritated by work (A, NC) 8. Reluctant to climb stairs - increased work for lame hind end (A, NC) 9. Rimadyl treatment (few doses), little to no improvement - possibly not an inflammatory problem (U, C) 10. No history of trauma - higher priority to congenital conditions (N, C) 11. Lameness grade 1/4 - mild lameness (A, C) 12. Minor clicking in elbow - possibly insignificant ( no apparent lameness), possible consequence of increased weight bearing in front - joint problem, possible lameness obscured by more noticeable lameness of hind end (A, NC) 13. Hips, more pain obvious on extension rather than flexion (A, C) 14. Eats Iams large breed free choice -- free choice not good choice for large breeds, increased muscle deposition before skeleton strong enough (N, C) 15. Range of motion in hips reduced to 100 degrees - joint problem (A, C) 16. Positive Ortalani sign left hip, unable to do on right leg due to pain - suggestive of hip dysplasia (A, C) 17. Current on vaccines (N, NC) Normal (N) Abnormal (A) Critical (C ) Noncritical (NC)