Specialty Exams The lateral and dorsopalmar radiographs show a complete short oblique diaphyseal fracture of the left metacarpus III and IV. The fracture is misaligned and there is non-viable delayed union due to a defect in the bone that has left a gap at the fracture site. There is diffuse soft tissue swelling visible surrounding the lower limb. There is also increased opacity in the mid to proximal diaphyseal region with some bony lysis and proliferation around the fracture site. The proliferation suggests callus formation, which is a normal finding in fracture healing, but the positive culture of E. coli and Staphylococcus aureus confirms osteomyelitis. The infection was probably inoculated through the open wounds on the calfŐs leg. There were no significant findings in the hematology, CBC, or urinalysis, indicating that the calf most likely does not have any systemic involvement from a disseminated infection.