Explanation of Facts N-normal, A-abnormal, C-critical, NC-noncritical 3 month old Limosine bull calf- young, expensive bull- owner wants to save if possible- N, NC Left front leg is injured- left fore is involved limb-A, C Limb is very crooked- may point to the problem with the leg-A, NC Leg is very swollen- clinical sign associated with injury- could be cellulitis, infection, etc- A, NC Leg was injured at birth by obstetrical chains/jack- injury was traumatic, probably not congenital-N, NC Leg was kept in heavy bandage for 1 month after injury, skin fell off- previous treatment of injury, and complications of bandage probably induced the skin sloughing-A, NC Leg was not stable after 1 month and put in a cast- leg was not healing well or completely after 4 weeks- NC, A Calf has not used leg since cast was removed- calf is painful or very unstable on that leg- A, NC Temperature=103 Ð calf may have fever which may indicate systemic infection-A, C Limb is uniformly swollen 2X normal size- there is extensive soft tissue swelling around injury-A, NC 2 granulating wounds on limb- could be derived from original injury or from bandages, may be infected- A, NC Leg is obviously unstable and crepitance is heard upon manipulation- suggests a fracture- A, NC Area around fracture is covered with pink epithelium- there has already been some healing-N, NC Draining tract on dorsomedial limb with purulent exudate- suggests some type of wound infection- A, NC Limb has valgus deformity- may point to location or extent of fracture- A, NC Crepitation in metacarpus at site of instability- fracture probably involves metacarpus- A, NC Metacarpophalangeal joint has limited ROM- there may be fibrosis around joint, torn tendons, ligaments, or other soft tissue structures, or the other involvement of the joint-A, NC Tight bands of tissue connect the raised toes to the dorsum of the foot- point to abnormal healing of ruptured ligamentous/tendinous structures, fibrous adhesions, or some other abnormal process in the foot- A, NC