Plan of Action The plan of action for this foal encompasses a fairly routine diagnostic workup for equine lameness. First, a more detailed history would be helpful. Information concerning the duration and progression of the lameness, the environment of the foal (could the foal have gotten stuck in or on something), the immunity of the foal (did the foal suckle colostrum), and trauma (did anyone see the mare step on or kick the foal) are important questions. In order to localize the lameness, digital pressure will be applied to the tendons and ligaments to try to elicit a response in a specific structure. Next, radiographs will rule out fractures or possibly developmental disorders that would be visible radiographically. Diagnostic nerve blocks will help localize the pain and point to a specific region of the foalÕs hind limb as the source of the lameness. If the information acquired from these tests is not sufficient, ultrasound will be performed to try to detect tendon, ligament, or soft tissue defects. Lastly, if the data is indicating a joint infection as a probable cause, a joint tap will be considered.