Explanation of Facts 9 month spayed Rottweiler -- A young dog, at this age there should still be growth at the physis of the femoral head. Rottweiler's are genetically predisposed to osteochondrosis of the lateral trochlear ridge of the talus, but no specific predilections for the hip joint. Awkward gate last few weeks, rear leg -- Acute, not a chronic condition. Awkward gait localized in the hind limbs can be due nervous damage (femoral, siatic n.), muscle atrophy, bone fracture, arthritis, traumatic injury to integument. Possible right worse than left the owner thinks maybe -- May not be a condition that would be bilateral. Dog walks ok but uncomfortable when sitting. In a sitting position, more weight is distributed to the hind limbs. Pain in this position may be indicative of a hind limb problem or spinal abnormality. In a sitting position, the dog's hip joint is in flexion. Worse in morning and after exercise. With disuse, less blood flow to tissues and joints may create stiffness. Increased activity would cause increased friction in all joints. Work load (force) on the bones and joints is increased during activity. Can't get up stairs. Pain involved in exertion would make the animal reluctant to use muscles, bones, joints, etc. that would be necessary for climbing up stairs. Dog on Rimadyl last two weeks. Carprofen (Rimadyl) is a non-steroidal anti- inflammatory used to treat arthritis conditions in dogs. Administered by the referring veterinarian to decrease the pain associated with the lameness. No response to drug treatment. Drug did not alleviate any pain associated with the condition causing lameness of the hind limbs. May indicate that an inflammatory process (of the joints) is not involved. Past History Indoor -- A dog kept outdoors is likely to engage in more physical activity. The possibility of traumatic injury is increased, along with exposure to infectious diseases. Physical Exam Stance shows disproportionate weight bearing on forelimbs -- Indicates that the dog is compensating for pain associated with bearing weight on its hind limbs. A pathologic problem in the hip joint would cause the dog to compensate by shifting its center of gravity as far forward as possible (i.e. carry most of its weight on its forelimbs). Mild lameness grade 1 of 4 -- A grade 1 lameness is barely perceptible. Principally in right hind limb -- Pain induced by the musculoskeletal exam and reaction from the patient identifies the main focus as right hind limb. Palpate minor clicking in elbow joint - no pain or reduced range of motion -- The lack pain induced by extension/flexion of the elbow joint in a full range of motion suggests that the lameness is not associated with this joint. The clicking noise heard might indicate mild to moderate insult to the soft tissue structures (ligaments, tendons) associated with the joint. Compensation of a hind limb lameness may increase stress to the elbow joint. Longbone palpation normal. Palpation of the long bone is conducted to check for swellings, heat, and/or pain associated with infammation, neoplasia, and fracture. No muscle pain or atrophy. The absence of atrophy indicates normal innervation. Lack of muscle pain indicates there is no muscle tear, inflammation, or other abnormality. No neurological deficits. Eliminates the possibility of a damaged nerve or spinal injury as the possible cause of lameness. Hock/stifle okay -- Eliminates the possibility of an insult to the hock or stifle joint as the source of the lameness. No cranial drawer sign. A positive cranial drawer sign would have indicated a rupture of the cranial cruciate ligament between the tibia and the femur. In this case, the abnormality is in the hip joint, not the stifle joint. No joint fusion seen or palpated -- Abnormal immobility or consolidation of a joint (ankylosis) can be caused by the destruction of the membranes that line the joint or faulty bone structure. These could possibly be rule outs for a hind limb lameness, but not the case here. Palpation of the hip joint produced a rxn on the right and more obvious in extension rather than flexion -- Insult to the right hip joint is indicated. Pain upon extension may indicate abnormal joint surfaces, torn ligaments or tendons. Hip range of motion reduced to 100 deg -- Range of motion of the hip joint can be decreased by pain associated with inflammation, abnormal friction of joint surfaces, torn ligaments or tendons. Ortalani sign was positive on the left hip but unable to evaluate of the right side because of pain -- The ortolani sign is used to test hip laxity. A positive sign (a snap as the head of the femur moves in the acetabulum) is indicative of hip dysplasia.