Facts Labrador Retriever, 6YO As you approach the woman to shake her hand and introduce yourself the dog raises its head and wags its tail slowly. It does not get up Since Wednesday she has not been walking normally and I'm afraid she might be in pain I feed Bonnie dry dog food twice a day (at the suggestion of my trainer). It's Adult Maintenance Hills Diet and she gets a total of about 4 cups She's up to date on her vaccinations and deworming As far as I know she has never been on any medication other than her heart worm medicine, which I give to her once a month Bonnie's a very active dog when she can be. We go on walks mornings and evenings, between 30 and 60 minutes each time. A couple of times a week she jogs with me for about 3 miles On the weekends we walk in the woods with friends whenever we can, sometimes for a couple of hours. But she does chase cats and other dogs when she is allowed to do so. Bonnie has a partial weight bearing L hind limb lameness. She has difficulty getting up, but can walk quite well once she is up. When she stands still she is barely toe touching on the L hind leg. There is effusion of the L stifle joint with a distention of the joint capsule on either side of the straight patella ligament. There is pain on manipulation of the stifle. Bonnie is quite overweight but she has no other abnormalities. There is joint effusion in the L stifle joint. A joint tap was performed. While awake, no cranial drawer can be palpated in the stifle joints. While under sedation a 4 - 5 mm cranial drawer can be palpated in the L stifle, with less than 2 mm palpable in the right. The patellas appear correctly positioned and normally mobile. The collateral ligaments are intact. The hip joints do not have any palpable laxity or pain when run through a full range of motion. No other abnormalities could be found.