Facts of Case 4 Client Complaint: Dog hit by car 3 days ago, will not put weight on hind legs. Signalment: 17 month old, intact male, black and tan Doberman Pinscher Present History: Since hit, treated with 2 L Lactacted Ringer's IV in 48 hours 500 mg prednisolone sodium succinate IV split in 2 doses over 12 hours Duragesic 25 mg/hr for the first 24 hours Butorphanol 5 mg IM Cephalozin 700 mg SQ BID first day, then 1000 mg PO BID since Condition has stabilized, signs have not gotten any worse Past History: No known health problems Distemper/Parvo booster is due now, Rabies due in one month Dewormed with pet store brand a couple weeks ago 4 cups Big Red dry dog food daily, free choice water inside/outside dog Lives with 3 other dogs, 2 horses, 2 ferrets, 4 rabbits Physical Exam: T= 99.3, P=60, R=18, weight =67 lbs. Non-weight bearing both hind legs Superficial and deep pain sensation in both legs and in perineum Reflex responses in hind legs inconsistent, hard to evaluate Motor function present but no weight bearing Superficial skin abrasions on the lateral side of the R hind leg R hind leg is swollen distal to stifle L hind leg is swollen down to toes Orthopedic Exam: Palpable instability of R tibia, not continuous in midshaft R hind joints appear normal Upper L hind leg very swollen Suspect upper L femur continuity, abnormal limb movement and occasional crepitation Source of abnormalities could not be precisely localized Rest of bones and joints appear normal apart from SQ fluid accumulation No pain or bone distortions along the spine