Hypothesis #1 -- Trauma One explanation for the right rear leg lameness revolves around trauma sustained from the fall from the bed one year ago. Damage to a multitude of anatomical structures in the stifle joint region could have produced the clinical signs of a weight bearing lameness and medial patellar luxation out of the trochlear groove. Tearing or other damage to a ligament supporting the stifle joint could lead to lameness in the dog. The medial and lateral collateral ligaments are likely targets for traumatic ligament damage to the stifle joint. The primary injury, together with the inflammation and fibrosis involved in the healing of the ligament, could incite a weight-bearing lameness in this animal. A negative cranial drawer sign on the right leg makes a cranial cruciate ligament tear unlikely. However, medial buttress is present, and is often seen in chronic thickening of the medial cartilage and medial collateral ligament in the joint. The patella is connected to the hind limb proper via 3 main ligaments: the patellar ligament, the medial femoropatellar ligament and the lateral femoropatellar ligament. The tendon of the quadriceps muscle also inserts on the patella, and contributes to its support. Damage to any of the 3 ligaments due to trauma, and subsequent fibrosis of tissue upon healing, could lead to an unequal tension between the ligaments. In time this could lead to increased movement of the patella in a medial direction, presenting as luxation. Similarly, the quadriceps muscle could have sustained injury (i.e. tear, pull) when Titan fell off the bed, and when the tissue healed it did so in such a matter to change the relationship between the quadriceps tendon and its insertion on the patella. This type of injury would also lead to a weakening of the support structures for the patella, and may allow luxation. Another proposed scenario implicating trauma involves bone injury. The stifle joint is associated with both the distal femur and the proximal tibia. Fracture on either bone (in the areas communicating with the joint) and the changes that are associated with fracture repair could have compromised overall joint stability acutely, and progressed to further degenerative changes in the long run. More specifically, The femoropatellar ligament (both medial and lateral) attach to the respective med and lat epicondyles of the femur before inserting on the patella. A fracture involving one of the epicondyles might affect the support of the femoropatellar ligament, allowing patellar luxation. The patella lays along the medial and lateral trochlear grooves of the femur; trauma-induced fracture along the trochlea would most certainly affect the patella and its supporting ligaments. The patellar ligament inserts on the tibial tuberosity. Fracture and the repair process could alter the insertion of the ligament to an abnormal position, which could cause pain as well as a weaker connection to the patella. The absence of pain in the right rear leg upon physical exam of the stufle joint (as opposed to the left rear leg) also leads to the possibility of nerve damage in the area. Damage to one of the main pelvic limb nerves, such as the sciatic nerve, was not suspected due to the normal appearance of muscle integrity in the leg. One would expect to see muscle atrophy with severe damage to the sciatic nerve, the tibial nerve or the common perineal nerve. A more likely situation is that a small sensory nerve branch coming off of the common perineal nerve has been damaged. In this case nociceptor function would be compromised, and pain may not be detected upon manipulation of the joint. Finally, it is possible that the stifle joint capsule or cartilage was traumatized, and chronic degenerative changes have occurred since the initial injury. The stifle joint functions normally because of an intricate balance of cells that perform catabolic and anabolic functions, and trauma could have shifted this balance and results in a chronic non-weight bearing lameness in the right rear leg. The initial fall could have impacted the articular cartilage, damaging the chondrocytes in a focal area. Chondrocytes produce supportive collagen (types II and IX) and proteoglycans (compressive stress). Type II collagen is the primary collagen fibers, and type IX fibers cross type II fibers perpendicularly, forming a grid of fibers. Between these grids the proteoglycans reside and act as rigid springs, they give the collagen stiffness and help to maintain the shape of the cartilage. Proteoglycans are hydrophilic, and draw fluid in to fill the remaining space. With cartilage trauma, the type IX collagen may be torn apart, allowing increased space between fibers, and more room for water to diffuse to the proteoglycans. The cartilage thickens and swells, and increased friction between two cartilage layers may cause fragments of collagen matrix to break off and float freely. Synovial macrophages detect these fragments and phagocytize them, and they release inflammatory mediators and cytokines, like IL-1, IL-6, TNF, and prostaglandin E. Cytokines like IL-1 inhibit chondrocyte synthesis of new cartilage and proteoglycans, and eventually cartilage breakdown exceeds synthesis. This abnormal cartilage can no longer withstand normal everyday stressors. Additional stress is placed on the subschondral bone, and causes thickening. This thickening leads to sclerosis of the tissue, the subchondral bone can't resist as much stress, and even more stress is placed on remaining cartilage. This results in eventual bone remodeling, and a progressive degeneration of the joint with a progressive lameness. The periarticular tissues could have also been initially traumatized. The joint capsule consists of three layers, an inner synovial cell lining (produces hyaluronic acid, cytokines, PG's), a subsynovial connective layer, and an outer fibrous joint capsule. The outer fibrous joint capsule often incorporates other ligaments and adds to the strength of the joint. Trauma could have torn the fibrous capsule or supporting ligaments, and effectively stretched the support of the joint. The damages synoviocytes release cytokines and prostaglandins and other degradative enzymes. They also may decrease production of synovial fluid, leading to increased joint friction. The periarticular joint capsule is well innervated and vascular, and trauma to this area would certainly cause pain and subsequent lameness.