Learning Issues Hypothesis 1 - Developmental What causes hip dysplasia? What could be causing the ÒclickingÓ in the elbow joints? Does cranial drawer sign refer to cranial cruciate ligament? What is the pathophysiology of OCD? Does ortalani sign refer to abduction and flexion of a hip? Does OCD involve only the femoral head, or are the ligaments, tendons, and joint capsule also affected? Could OCD restrict the range of motion? Hypothesis 2 - Nutritional High caloric intake leads to what consequences in large breed dogs? Why is the dog worse in the AM or after exercise? Review the anatomy of the hip joint: bones, muscles, ligaments, nerves, etc. Which diagnostic tests would be useful in diagnosing this case, and how would they differentiate between our 3 hypotheses Hypothesis 3 - Infectious What types of infectious diseases affect the joints? How would you differentiate between them? What are the clinical signs? How would you treat them?