For various reasons it may be faster or more convenient to do some of the computations in pattern recognition with specialized hardware. Here are some special cases.



Using laser illumination and appropriate optics, we can perform both the forward and the backward Fourier transform optically. So the output is an image of the input. That leaves us half way in between with a spatial display of the Fourier transform. We can insert a physical mask in that plane to do recognition that is invariant to input image shifts. Under some circumstances, this may offer advantages over doing the transformations and filtering in  a digital computer using software. We have done much work in this field, but the people who use our work most often do so in the digital domain. Here are some summary publications. For the latest advance see the discussion in training methods.




These are specialized hardware on a special chip. Because that chip can do manu useful subroutines very fast, it has many uses. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/ASIN/0070540047/qid=1019241831/sr=8-3/ref=sr_8_67_3/103-7785010-9361431




This is one case in which optics has a clear and dramatic advantage over electronics (Computer or DSP). We do the discrimination in the optical domain before detection. We simply detect the answer. There are profound advantages including these:



The founding papers of this field follow.


·        "Direct Optical Computation of Linear Discriminants for Color Recognition," Opt. Eng., Vol. 23, No. 1, pg. 16‑19 (1984) H. J. Caulfield and P. F. Mueller.

·        "Spectral Correlator Technologies," Opt. Eng., Vol. 24, No. 6, pg. 996 (1985) D. S. Frankel, M. Camac, H. J. Caulfield, C. Gozewski, and C. E. Kolb.